Accessibility Design

Unlocking inclusivity by boosting your accessibility design

Making your web or app design more accessible is simple to begin with.

Enhancing your design with accessibility in mind expands your user base and boosts your brand recognition. Here's how you can achieve this:

01 Colour Contrast

Ensure that text and background colours have adequate contrast to make text readable for visually impaired users. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) specify a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for regular text and 3:1 for large text. Higher contrast also improves legibility for all users, not just those with visual impairments.

02 Fonts and Sizing

Choose clear, easy-to-read fonts for your web or app design. Select fonts that are legible on screens, which will assist users with dyslexia in following along. You can also enhance font settings by increasing the vertical and horizontal spacing between texts to make them easier to read. Specify a minimum font size of at least 16 pixels to keep text legible even if the user increases the font size.

03 Keyboard Navigation

Make sure all interactive elements are accessible via keyboard. Buttons, links, form fields, and other interactive elements should be reachable by using the keyboard. Avoid hiding important elements on hover to prevent important information from being missed due to reliance on mouse clicks.

04 Captions and Alt Texts

Provide captions or transcripts for videos on your website or application to make them accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Alt text is a brief description of an image that is read by screen readers for users with visual impairments. Including captions and alt text will enhance the experience for these users and allow them to fully enjoy your content.

Check out some of our work where we applied accessibility design

BTC Markets

Website, Marketing Design System